How Can I Volunteer?

Blossoming Disciples – What are your gifts? How can we support you flourish in your calling and help you more effectively be a blessing to the world?

An important part of our Christian discipleship is to participate within the life of the church family. It is also our experience that as we serve with and for others our lives are enriched as much as those we are serving.

Where might you release your time, gifts and your experience for the blessing of others?

  • Hospitality and Welcome

  • Children and Youth Groups

  • Prayer

  • Sides Person (Site Facilities and setting up)

  • Worship

  • Audio/Vision and Projector Team

  • Mission Partnership

  • Baby and Toddler Group Helper

  • Discipleship Group

  • Flower Arrangers

  • Baking and Catering

Contact the Church Office  and we’ll help your find a place to express your gifts